The Springfield College Division of Inclusion and Community Engagement staff, with support from members of the Office of the President, completed a comprehensive campus inclusion climate survey in October 2019. The climate survey was conducted as a product of the 2017 - 2022 Campus Inclusion Strategic Plan titled “Embracing the Promise of Tomorrow.” The strategic plan was drafted to serve as a guide to achieving long-term stability at Springfield College, where our commitment to diversity and inclusion will advance us forward into our ever-changing and vibrant global community.
On May 2, 2023, all members of the Springfield College community were invited to participate in the campus inclusion climate survey. The survey came about based on the collaboration of various campus stakeholders (faculty, staff, and students) who came together to identify a nationally recognized instrument that would allow the Springfield College community to have campus-specific and comparative data. The campus inclusion climate survey committee selected the Viewfinder Campus Climate Survey after reviewing several campus-based and national climate instruments. Viewfinder was created by Insight into Diversity Magazine. The Springfield College campus inclusion climate survey was conducted over a three-week period, and had a total of 1,218 respondents (students and employees).